About QikitTM

English spelling is very confusing. We discuss it, complain of it, and write books about it,
and now Qikit can provide a program to simplify it for all of society.

Qikit: modernizing English spelling

To teachers and new learners of English.

We can help you with spelling, and our translator app can be with you always.

The pain of complex spelling will be with us forever if we let it, but the pain of change is temporary, and 44 letters will benefit us forever.

Why is English spelling so complicated? There has been a reluctance for 1,400 years to adopt a full alphabet. With only 26 letters to represent 44 sounds we have the worst alphabetic system in the world. If we had a letter for each sound, then everyone would be a good speller. Qikit has 44 letters and with that you can sound out all words. You can spell every word you hear and pronounce any word you see. You will use fewer letters, read better, and enjoy it more. Spelling will be intuitive, and you will no longer need memorize the spelling of thousands of words.

There are strong benefits for everyone and it’s easy to get started. Text your family and friends,
read the dual language books, and it will grow for you.

The short-term advantages are:

  1. After learning 44 letters you will be able to spell any word you hear and                   pronounce any word you see. 
  2. No more memorizing the exact spelling of thousands of words.
  3. You can easily translate to and from traditional English. 
  4. Spelling is intuitive.
  5. A bridge to traditional spelling.

The long-term advantages are: 

  1. Teaching will be easier.
  2. You don’t need a top memory to be a good speller.
  3. Less dyslexia.
  4. Learning to read and write will take less time.

These advantages are proven out by other languages that have a full alphabet.

Teach the new alphabet and spelling to all new learners, to children in our public schools, and to ESL through current ESL teachers. 

It is easy to learn because you already know the spoken language. Enjoy the benefits now while the rest of the world catches up.  

We have recognized the need to improve English spelling for centuries but lacked the ability, and the understanding of ‘how’ to do it. Our computer translations provide the ability. The ‘how’, is to use a full alphabet of 44 letters. It’s a bottom-up approach by those who see the benefits.

This can be used in two ways; one is to provide correct spelling for individual words, and the other is to write what you want in Qikit, then translate the whole script to traditional spelling.

Instead of learn we write lrn

Instead of laugh we write laf

Instead of apple we write apl

Instead of daughter we write dotr

Children in countries with a full alphabet master their spelling very quickly—so quickly that “spelling” doesn’t exist in their curriculum! Qikit will bring that to English.

Further Reading & Qikit Video Below

Literacy in Canada Donald G Jamieson, PhD Published: Nov. 1, 2006
I have taken highlights from this study, but you may want to read the full report. https://academic.oup.com/pch/article/11/9/573/2648307

Quote: “Improving literacy levels in a country can have a significant impact: a 1% increment in the average literacy score is associated with a 2.5% increase in labor productivity and a 1.5% overall increase in GDP per capita (9). Based on these findings, increasing the proportion of Canadians who achieve Level 3 literacy by 1% would result in a permanent $18 billion/year increase in Canadian GDP (9).”

“Low literacy skills are associated with other social costs as well. For example, the Correctional Service of Canada reports that more than four of every five offenders have achieved less than a grade 10 education (11). Indeed, as Longfield (12) discusses, low literacy skill negatively affects every step of the criminal justice process – from understanding one’s rights if arrested, to testifying in court, to sentencing. Improving literacy skills may reduce crime; for example, recidivism decreases by 21% when offenders complete grade 10 before they are released on parole (13).”

“Astonishingly, 42% of Canadians between the ages of 16 and 65 years fail to achieve Level 3 proficiency. Unfortunately, from 1994 to the most recent in 2003, Canada’s results have shown little improvement (1).”

More American children suffer long-term life-harm as a consequence of reading difficulties than from parental abuse, accidents, and all other childhood diseases and disorders combined. In purely economic terms, reading related difficulties cost more than the war on terrorism, crime, and drugs combined.

In the U.S. approximately one hundred million children and adults have difficulty reading. The cognitive, linguistic, academic, emotional, social, and physical health consequences of their reading difficulties significantly diminish their opportunities in school, work, and life.

5. Teaching difficulties and their costs.

“English spelling makes learning to read and write more difficult and much more time-consuming than with other writing systems. A study which investigated how long pupils in 13 European countries needed for rudimentary literacy acquisition found that English-speaking ones took an average of two and half years, while speakers of the other 12 languages became fluent in three to 12 months.”

A Video of Interest

Reading Crisis Video

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